cdmm (UK) Ltd provides Building Services Design Consultancy, CDM Advisors, Health & Safety Consultants and Clerk of Works Services

Covid-19 Secure the new normal?

Just this week UK Government issued guidance on the shape of things to come for sectors returning to work and whats expected from Employers in managing the hazard of Covid-19 transmission and infection.

Devolved Governments have yet to do similar but what lessons can we learn from the UK document for those of us wishing to start our return to work planning now?

  1. Carry out a Covid-19 Risk Assessment and share the results with your employees.
  2. Implement Cleaning, Hand-washing and Hygiene procedures for your workplace.
  3. Take all reasonable steps to Help people work from home.
  4. Take all reasonable steps to Maintain a 2m Distance in the workplace.
  5. Where people cannot be 2m apart, do everything practical to Manage transmission risk.

A lot of this guidance focuses the mind on completing a risk assessment:

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Risk assessment is a simple process that is easily carried out by the people who have the responsibility for their employees safety and security, in this case specifically for the hazard of Covid-19. The skill in delivering an effective risk assessment is being able to realistically quantify the likelihood and severity (or impact) of a particular hazard, in this case the Covid-19 virus.

It is unique in this case that this hazard is absolutely in the public consciousness as its being fed to us on a rolling 24hr news cycle, that in itself may have changed our attitude to quantifying it.

At cdmm(Uk) Ltd, we are here to help make your business Covid-19 Secure in 2020.

Being specialists in Hazard identification and Risk Assessment we are exactly the right people to make this happen and get you back to work safely and Covid-19 Secure.

Drop us a message at support@cdmm.co.uk and one of our consultants will schedule a consultation over the phone, skype, zoom or Teams, whichever suits you best, at a time of your choosing. It starts with a simple risk assessment but will end with you having a plan for returning to work as soon as our governments tell us that this can be done in safety.